Flea Pest Control: Top 7 Tips for Homes and Businesses

admin 07 Nov, 2023
microscopic view of flea

Fleas are a common pest problem that can affect both homes and businesses. These tiny, blood-sucking insects not only cause discomfort to our pets but can also spread diseases.

Controlling fleas requires a comprehensive approach that targets both pets and your environment. We’ll provide you with valuable tips on flea pest control for homes and businesses, along with practical advice on how to effectively prevent and treat flea infestations in this blog post.

Signs of a Flea Infestation

Identifying the signs of a flea infestation is crucial for early detection and control. Some common signs include pets itching and scratching, the presence of small, dark-colored insects in your pet’s fur, red and itchy bites on human skin, and the presence of flea dirt (small black specks) on pet bedding or furniture.

If you notice any of these signs, it’s time to take immediate action to prevent the infestation from spreading. By addressing the infestation from all applicable angles, you maximize your chances of successfully eliminating the fleas and preventing future infestations.

black dog

4 Effective Flea Control Methods

Implementing proven control methods can help you get rid of fleas. Here are five of the most effective:

  1. Treating pets for fleas is the first step in flea control. By using veterinarian-recommended flea treatments and inspecting your pets for fleas regularly, you can eliminate adult fleas and prevent re-infestations. This is especially true if you have different kinds of pets, such as two cats and one dog. Following the instructions provided by your veterinarian is critical to ensure the safety and effectiveness of the flea treatment.
  2. Vacuuming the home daily is another effective method to eliminate fleas. Fleas and their eggs can be present in carpets, furniture, and cracks in the floor. By vacuuming these areas regularly, you can remove adult fleas, eggs, and larvae, significantly reducing the flea population in your home. Remember to dispose of the vacuum bag or empty the canister after each use to prevent re-infestations.
  3. Sealing cracks and cleaning pet bedding on a regular basis are additional steps you can take to prevent flea infestations. Fleas can hide in cracks and crevices, so sealing any openings in floors, walls, or furniture can help eliminate their hiding spots. Regularly cleaning and washing your pet’s bedding can also help remove fleas and their eggs.
  4. Treating your yard with pesticides is also useful to prevent fleas from entering your home. Fleas can be present in the outdoor environment and can easily hitch a ride on your pets or on you. Use pet-safe pesticides specifically designed for flea control and focus on areas where your pets spend time, such as shady spots and under decks or trees. 

In some cases, DIY methods may not be enough to control a severe flea infestation. This is when our pest control services are your answer. Book your service now or call us with any questions you may have.

2 Natural Remedies for Flea Prevention

If you prefer natural methods for flea prevention, there are a few options you can try. Check out these two:

  1. Specific essential oils, such as lavender, eucalyptus, and lemon, contain strong flea-repelling scents. You can mix a few drops of the oil with water and spray it on your pet’s bedding or around your home to repel fleas. Additionally, diluted vinegar can be sprayed on pet bedding and furniture to repel fleas.
  2. Maintaining cleanliness in your yard is equally important. Fleas can hide in debris and overgrown vegetation, so regularly removing leaves, grass clippings, and other debris can help prevent flea infestations.

By taking these natural preventive measures, including those against occasional invaders, you can reduce the likelihood of flea infestations and minimize the use of artificially made products.

Professional Flea Pest Control Services

While DIY methods and natural remedies can be effective to some extent, severe flea infestations often require professional intervention. Professional flea extermination services offer several benefits, including years of expertise in dealing with flea infestations, the availability of prevention plans to avoid future infestations, and the use of safe and effective methods to eliminate fleas.

Our team understands the behavior of fleas and can provide targeted solutions for eradication. We also have access to professional-grade products that may be more effective than over-the-counter options. 

Preparing for Flea Control Service

If you decide to hire professional flea control services, it’s necessary to prepare your home and pets for the treatment. Before your service appointment takes place, pest control providers will provide you with a list of preparation activities to complete, including but not limited to: 

  • Washing pet bedding
  • Vacuuming floors and furniture
  • Covering fish tanks
  • Picking up items from the floor
  • Washing bed linens
  • Covering or storing open food products
  • Leaving your home or business during treatment to avoid exposure to chemicals

It’s important to follow these instructions carefully to ensure the success of the treatment. It’s also advisable to take pets to be treated for fleas by a veterinarian during this time. This ensures their safety and prevents them from being re-infested after the treatment. 

3 Steps to Take After Flea Treatment

Once the flea treatment is done, there are a few important considerations to keep in mind. These steps will ensure that the treatment is as effective as possible and that you and your pets can safely return to your home:

  1. Air out your workplace or home after the treatment before allowing sensitive individuals or vulnerable pets back in. This helps ensure that any residual chemicals disperse and reduces the risk of exposure. Opening windows and doors and using fans to circulate fresh air can help speed up the process.
  2. Cleaning carpets or floors immediately after flea treatment is generally not recommended. It’s best to wait for at least two weeks before cleaning carpets or floors. This allows the treatment to fully take effect and ensures that any remaining fleas or eggs are eliminated.
  3. Remember to turn back on the air system and relight a pilot light if necessary. These steps will help restore normal conditions in your home and ensure that everything is functioning properly.

Next Steps

By following these flea control tips, you can create a flea-free environment and protect your loved ones from the discomfort and potential health risks associated with flea infestations. Need professional help? Book your service here or message our team and we’ll get back to you promptly. 

4 Proven Wasp Removal Steps for Your Home or Office

admin 24 Oct, 2023
up close view of a wasp

Wasp nest removal is a crucial task for both residential and commercial spaces to ensure the safety and comfort of you and those you work and/or live with. It’s important to take control of your environment and avoid potential stings or allergic reactions. 

By following the recommendations in this blog post, you can safely and successfully engage in wasp removal and prevent future infestations, creating a safe and comfortable environment for everyone.

up close view of a wasp on a flower

Understanding Wasp Nests

There are various species of wasps, including paper wasps, yellow jackets, and hornets, each with different nesting habits and behaviors. Wasp nests are typically built in protected areas such as eaves, attics, trees, or underground burrows.

These nests can grow rapidly in size, housing hundreds or even thousands of wasps within a relatively short time frame. Leaving a wasp nest untreated can lead to increased wasp activity, posing a threat to occupants and potentially causing damage to property. 

DIY Wasp Removal

The first step in removing a wasp nest is to locate it. This can be done by observing wasp flight patterns or following wasps back to their nest. Once you’ve found the nest, you can proceed with the removal process.

The treatment methods for removing wasp nests vary depending on the species of wasps. For less aggressive paper wasps, physical removal of the nest can be effective. This involves carefully removing the nest using protective clothing and equipment.

If the nest is out of reach or difficult to access, you can try using natural remedies such as spraying it with soapy water or vinegar. These substances can help deter the wasps and make the nest easier to remove. We recommend treating the nest during the late evening or early morning when the wasps are less active and more likely to be inside the nest.

After removing the nest, break it down into pieces with a long-handled garden tool like a rake and further saturate the pieces with vinegar or water. Then properly dispose of it in a waste receptacle away from your home or workplace to prevent any remaining wasps from rebuilding any nest. 

When to Seek Professional Help

In some cases, it’s necessary to seek professional help for safe and effective wasp nest removal. If a nest is persistent or located in a hard-to-reach area, our team has the expertise and specialized equipment to handle your removal process.

Individuals with allergies to wasp stings should always seek professional help to minimize the risk of a severe allergic reaction. Attempting to remove a wasp nest without proper knowledge or equipment can result in stings or harm to yourself or others.

Wasp Nest Removal Safety Tips

When removing a wasp nest, it’s important to prioritize safety. Here are four tips to follow:

  1. Always wear protective clothing, including gloves, pants, long-sleeve shirts, goggles, and veiled hats to prevent wasp stings.
  2. Use caution and move slowly when approaching a wasp nest to avoid provoking the wasps.
  3. Place any children and pets at a distance and make sure they remain there, under supervision, during the nest removal process.
  4. If a wasp nest is located in a high or dangerous area, consider using a ladder or hiring our team to safely reach and remove the nest.

Preventing Wasp Nests

Prevention is key to avoiding future wasp nest infestations. Here are five preventive measures to use:

  1. Keep outdoor garbage cans tightly sealed and clean to reduce the availability of food sources for wasps.
  2. Regularly clean outdoor eating areas and dispose of food and drink containers properly to avoid attracting wasps.
  3. Inspect your property periodically for potential nesting sites, such as cracks in walls, gaps in eaves, or hollow trees, and seal them as soon as you notice them to prevent wasp entry.
  4. Consider using wasp deterrents, such as decoy nests or wasp-repelling plants, to discourage wasps from building nests in your vicinity.
  5. Trim back vegetation near your home or office, as overgrown plants can attract wasps looking for nesting sites.

Wrapping Up

Proper wasp nest removal is essential for maintaining a safe and comfortable environment in both residential and commercial spaces. By following the proven steps outlined in this post, you can effectively remove wasp nests and prevent future infestations.

Remember to prioritize your safety and seek a professional wasp removal service if needed, especially if you have allergies to wasp stings. By proactively preventing wasp nests, you can minimize the risk of encountering these stinging insects in the future.

Need wasp nest removal today? Book your service now.

Hornet Pest Control: 6 Steps for Taking Action Quickly

admin 10 Oct, 2023
up close view of a hornet

Hornet pest control is the process of removing and preventing hornet infestations in residential and commercial properties. Hornets can be aggressive and pose a threat to humans, especially those who are allergic to their stings.

Professional hornet pest control services are essential for ensuring the safety and comfort of your home or business. Here are the solutions you need, whether you’re first taking action yourself, hiring a professional, or a combination of both. 

up close view of a hornet

Signs of a Hornet Infestation

There are several signs that indicate a hornet infestation. One of the most obvious signs is the presence of hornet nests. These nests are usually large, papery structures found in trees, shrubs, or under eaves. 

Increased hornet activity around your property is another sign to watch out for. If you notice a significant increase in hornet sightings, it often indicates an infestation.

Hornets also tend to make buzzing sounds near their nests, so if you hear buzzing sounds, it’s a clear indication of a hornet infestation. Hornets chew wood to build their nests, so if you notice signs of wood damage, it may be a sign of a hornet infestation.

The Dangers of Hornets

Hornets can be dangerous for at least four reasons:

  1. Hornet stings are painful and can cause severe allergic reactions in some individuals. Multiple hornet stings can be life-threatening, especially for those who are allergic. 
  2. Hornets can also aggressively defend their nests, posing a danger to anyone who comes near.
  3. Hornets can disrupt outdoor activities and make it challenging to enjoy your yard or outdoor spaces.
  4. Their nest-building activities can result in damage to wooden structures like decks or fences. This can lead to expensive repairs or replacements.

6 Steps for Preventing Hornet Infestations

There are six steps you can take to prevent hornet infestations in your home and workplace:

  1. Keep your garbage cans tightly sealed to prevent hornets from being attracted to food sources.
  2. Trim trees and shrubs near your property to reduce potential nesting sites.
  3. Seal any cracks or openings in your home’s or office’s exterior to prevent hornets from entering.
  4. Avoid wearing bright colors and floral-scented perfumes or lotions, as they can attract hornets.
  5. Regularly inspect your property for signs of hornet activity and take immediate action if necessary.
  6. If you have a fruit tree in your backyard, make sure to pick up fallen fruits regularly to avoid attracting hornets.

If you notice any of these signs, contact our team for assistance.

Hornet Nest Removal

We recommend hiring our professional hornet control service for safe and effective nest removal. Attempting to remove a hornet nest without proper knowledge and equipment is dangerous.

We have the expertise to identify the type of hornets you’re dealing with and use appropriate methods for nest removal. DIY methods, including using insecticides, should only be considered if the nest is small and accessible. Always wear protective clothing, including a beekeeping suit, when attempting to remove a hornet nest.

If you discover a hornet nest in your backyard, it’s best to leave the removal to teams like ours. We have the knowledge and experience to safely remove the nest without putting ourselves, you, or your family/coworkers at risk. We also have the necessary protective gear to prevent stings.

The Cost of Hornet Removal Services

The cost of a hornet removal service varies depending on factors such as the size of the infestation and the location of the nest. The cost for our professional hornet pest control services is $255.

We offer free consultations to assess the extent of your infestation and provide an accurate cost estimate and timeline for completion if you hire us. It’s critical to consider the potential risks and damages associated with a hornet infestation when evaluating the cost of our pest control services. 

Investing in our professional services ensures the complete removal of the infestation and minimizes the risk of future problems. If you have a large hornet nest on your property, it will likely require more time and resources to remove, which can increase the cost of the pest control service. 

Additionally, if the nest is located in a hard-to-reach area, such as a high tree branch, it may require specialized equipment or techniques, which can also affect your total cost. However, it’s important to remember that investing in professional services is worth it to ensure the infestation is properly eliminated and to avoid potential damage or health risks.

Duration of Hornet Infestation Treatment

The duration of hornet infestation treatment depends on various factors, including the size of the nest and the severity of the infestation. It takes one or two days to remove smaller infestations up to one week for more invasive cases. Follow-up visits may be necessary to monitor the situation and ensure that the infestation has been successfully eliminated, and we’ll let you know if we recommend this. 

We’ll provide a treatment plan and timeline based on the specific circumstances of your infestation. Quick action and early intervention can help prevent the infestation from spreading and causing costlier damage.

If you have a small hornet nest in your backyard, it’s often possible to eliminate the infestation in less than a week via our methods. However, if the nest is large or the infestation has spread to multiple areas of your property, it may take longer to completely get rid of the hornets.

We’ll assess the situation and develop a treatment plan that includes follow-up visits to ensure the infestation has been successfully eradicated.

Safety Considerations for Pets and Children

Professional hornet pest control services prioritize the safety of pets and children during the treatment process. We use products and methods that are safe for humans and pets when applied correctly.

It’s necessary to keep pets and children away from treated areas until the products have dried or as advised by the pest control professional. Non-toxic alternatives, such as organic pest control methods, may be available for those who prefer environmentally friendly options.

Consult with the pest control company about any specific concerns or requirements regarding the safety of your pets and children.

We ensure that the products we use for removal are safe for pets. Our team may ask you to remove your pets from the treated area until the products have dried.

If you have young children, we may advise you to keep them away from treated areas as well. If you have any concerns about the safety of your pets or children during the treatment process, be sure to discuss them with us beforehand.

The Bottom Line

Hornet pest control services are essential for the safety and comfort of your home or business. Identifying the signs of a hornet infestation and taking prompt action can prevent further damage and potential health risks.

Investing in our services ensures effective removal and long-term prevention of hornet infestations. Call us now at 844-732-7378 for free estimates and appointments to address your hornet pest control needs.