Wild Animals

Wildlife Management Control Service & Animal Removal

Dealing with wild animals can be complex and dangerous, hence it’s crucial to use a professional pest control service like Secure Pest Services when they invade your property. Here’s our approach:

Assessment: It all begins with identifying the type of wild animal that has invaded your premises. From raccoons to foxes, our experts determine the species causing the problem, assess the level of infestation, and inspect for potential entry points that need to be sealed.

Humane Animal Trapping and Removal: Through the use of appropriate, humane traps, we capture the wild animals securely without causing them harm. Then, following local wildlife laws and regulations, we safely remove them from your property.

Property Clean-Up and Sanitization: After the wild animals have been removed, it’s important to clean and sanitize the areas they inhabited. This helps eliminate any parasites or diseases they may have left behind.

Prevention: We also provide advice and services for animal-proofing your property to prevent future infestations. This can include securing potential entry points, removal of food sources, and other measures specific to the wild animal you’re dealing with.

Follow-Up Services: We offer follow-up services, checking on the property after some time to ensure there’re no new signs of animal activity.

Remember, wild animals should always be handled by professionals for your safety and theirs. Secure Pest Service has the experience and training to effectively handle any wild animal situations that may occur. Get service now or call us at 844-732-7378.

Animals That Create a Nuisance for Home Owners


Gray squirrels are a bushy-tailed, tree living rodent weighing about 1 – 1.5lbs and are about 18” long including the tail. They are gray with rusty tinges on their face, sides and legs along with a white underside. Their tails are flattened, bushy and gray with silvery-tipped hairs.

Gray squirrels build large nests composed of leaves and twigs generally 20’ off the ground in trees. They also utilize old woodpecker holes or natural tree cavities as dens to live in and raise their young. Gray squirrels are social and can tolerate other squirrels to share their nests during certain times of the year.

Gray squirrels mate twice a year from December to February and from May to June. A squirrel litter ranges from 2 – 6 young that are born hairless, blind and helpless. Spring litters are born in a tree cavity or inside a structure while the late summer litter is born in a leaf nest. The female will move her litter back and forth from a tree cavity to a leaf nest to escape predators and weather changes. The young are weaned in about 50 days. Gray squirrels typically live up to 3 years.

The diet of gray squirrels typically consists of an assortment of seeds, nuts, and berries. Such food sources include acorns, walnuts, pine seeds, wild grapes and American holly berries. If these food sources become scarce, they will feed on insects (adults and larvae), young birds and bird eggs. At the end of the summer, gray squirrels will store seeds and nuts to feed on when food is hard to come by during the winter months.

Squirrels will readily take up residence in a building or home if access to a sheltered areas such as eaves and attics in accessible. Scratching, gnawing, scurrying and pattering sounds in the early morning or daylight hours as well as the presence of droppings are typical signs of squirrel activity inside an attic space of a house. Torn insulation, dried leaves and twigs could help identify the nesting site, however, the young may be concealed within the eaves or in a wall void. Squirrels occupying the eaves and attics can damage insulation as well as electrical wiring and should be removed and excluded by professionals.


Raccoons are a medium sized mammals averaging 14 – 23 lbs. and 24 – 38” long. They are best recognized by their bandit’s mask of black fur that covers their eyes. One theory for their mask feature is that it helps reduce glare and enhance the nocturnal night vision. They have grayish brown fur with dense underfur to help insulate them in the cold. Their tales have five to eight alternating dark and light rings. A raccoons five toes on their front paws are extremely dexterous, functioning as five little fingers which allows them to grasp and manipulate food and other objects, such as doorknobs, garbage can lids, latches and jars.

Raccoons typically live in tree cavities, storm drains and burrows but could also find their way into homes mostly in attics and chimneys. They emerge at dusk to search for food. They are omnivorous and opportunistic eaters as their environment dictates their diet. Common foods include garbage, fruits, berries, insects, rodents, plants, nuts, frogs and crayfish. Raccoons are prey of coyotes and foxes.

Why Choose Secure Pest Services?

Choosing Secure Pest Services means opting for high-quality, proven solutions for your pest problems.  Our team of professionals has extensive experience in tackling various pest issues. They’re knowledgeable about different pests, their habits, and the most effective methods for removing and controlling them.  All our pest control methods are eco-friendly and designed to minimize impact on the environment. When it’s about keeping your home or business pest-free, Secure Pest Services is the safe, effective, and reliable choice.